Lessons in Liberian Sayings
With Labor Day behind us, and the majority of US students back in school, we begin our Fall Fundraising Campaign so that “Back to School” becomes a reality for our 111 sponsored students.
To make this fun - we are putting you into the role of “student” and will be “teaching” you some Liberian English proverbs and expressions as we share about our recent trip to Liberia and the work ahead.
Lesson #1: “After the ugly situation, there is hope!” aka “Against all odds!”
A highlight during our 11 days in Liberia was bringing 70 students, family members, and staff together, under one roof, for an entire day of celebration. Despite monsoon rain, our Day Camp included crafts, stories, dancing, a protein-rich meal, and acknowledging students who advanced from one grade to the next, including six who graduated from high school.

Daniel, a student who two years ago was bedridden with severe burns, led the dancing!
Every sponsored student, with one exception caused by a prolonged medical absence, passed into their next grade. This is no small feat!
Obstacles to entering, remaining enrolled and progressing through primary and secondary grades are significant and mostly economic in nature. The statistics are bleak:

Liberia ranks at 0% in education access and at 3% in learning
20% of boys and nearly 25% of girls, age 12-17, are not attending school
48% of 15-24 year-olds have not completed primary education in Liberia
Solomon Has Hope!
When we first met Solomon twelve years ago, he was unable to attend school due to a urinary tract deformity. The required surgery wasn't available in Liberia so we shared his story and raised funds for him to travel to Kenya. Without this life-changing operation, Solomon would have been relegated an outcast and unable to attend school. He has been one of our sponsored students since 2010 and this summer we were thrilled to celebrate with him as he graduated from High School.
When we saw Solomon this summer, he proudly presented us with a thank you note sharing, “Your extraordinary act saved and changed my life… Thank you for helping me attain one of my greatest dreams, to become a high school graduate. I am presently pursuing my honors degree in medical science and look forward to becoming a medical doctor…”

Solomon in 2010 and 2022:
Because of your generous support, Solomon has overcome incredible odds and is dreaming big!

Twelve years ago, we came to you, our community of friends and supporters to help Solomon - and we boldly ask again, for your help in raising $450 for each student.
Would you consider helping other students, like Solomon, find hope after the ugly situation?
In today’s lesson, we’d like to introduce another Liberian English expression:
Lesson #2: “One finger cannot remove lice from hair” aka “It takes a village”
If you’ve ever tackled a lice infestation - this expression makes perfect sense! It takes many fingers to do the hard work of eliminating lice, nits and eggs - it takes a fine toothed comb, diligence and perseverance, and the right shampoo.
In the same way, as you know from your own experience, it takes many resources and people - to support a child’s academic career. Our primary mission is to provide access to education but we also address the healthcare and other basic needs of our students, attempting to mitigate the effects of poverty that can act as roadblocks to learning.
Academic Support
On the academic front, each sponsored student has their school tuition, fees, uniform, and supplies covered. Case workers check in, 1-2 times a week, visiting schools, administrators, and parents, to ensure students are supported.

Case workers Peter, Janet, Lorpu, Prince and Goldy each have ~20 students whom they monitor - checking in on attendance, health, and living conditions, by visiting schools and homes 1-2 times each week.
Nutritional Support
Most of our students face food insecurity, living off 1 to 2 dollars a day. This means even a single daily meal, commonly a bowl of rice with potato greens and spices, isn’t guaranteed. Adding protein is a luxury - but only if funds are available. Following global trends, the cost of rice in Liberia has more than doubled - making the purchase of even a ~50-cent cup of rice a challenge. Kristen Chapman, a dear friend from Mercy Ships and also a Keyara’s Gift board member, sponsored a GoFundMe campaign that raised thousands of dollars to buy rice for several different non-profits in Liberia - including Keyara’s Gift. During our trip we were able to distribute rice to each family.

We were delighted to distribute rice - a staple of the Liberian diet - to our student’s families.

Medical Support
By partnering with ELWA Hospital, along with their Optical and Dental Clinics, our students are able to access basic health care. In Liberia, medical treatment and care is procured only by prepayment - meaning that you must show up with cash in hand before you are even seen. Without any savings, this means funds are raised by asking neighbors and family for small loans. Our case workers help determine when students might need assistance - most commonly for a $20 typhoid and/or malaria treatment but sometimes for things like sickle-cell crises, burns, or other infections.

Courage, one of our sponsored students, received cataract surgery on Mercy Ships about 14 years ago. Unfortunately, he is now having trouble with his other eye but we were able to have him checked for glaucoma and fit for glasses - hopefully making school work easier to complete.
If you're already part of the Keyara’s Gift “Village” - we thank you! If you aren’t yet, will you consider making a contribution today? Remember, “One finger cannot remove lice from hair”!
Today we share another Liberian proverb:
Lesson #3: “When someone wash your back, you must wash your front” aka “Everyone must do their part.”
Transparency and accountability are critical to any organization’s success. In a developing country like Liberia, rife with great need but also corruption, trust must be earned. The heartbreaking reality is that survival is often on the line - so misappropriation of funds can, unfortunately, feel justified.
Over the past 14 years, our Country Director, Reverend Francis, has proved himself trustworthy and above reproach. He endured great hardships during Liberia’s civil war. He was left for dead but miraculously survived and still suffers from the physical scars of war (a broken pelvis and hip that never healed properly). Nevertheless, he exudes joy in his roles as pastor of a church, working with prisoners, and leading the Keyara’s Gift team.
As an ambassador for Keyara’s Gift, his reputation has been instrumental in connecting with school administrators and also attracting and retaining a trustworthy team. We currently have five case workers and one supervisor, Mamie, who oversees the case workers and day-to-day logistics. Without these faithful workers, we would never be able to succeed in our mission to keep these students in school!

Reverend Francis has earned a reputation for being trustworthy, fair, and joyful in his work. We are grateful for his leadership and his heart for students and their families.
Washing your Front
One goal during our recent trip was to equip case workers with tools for more efficient and transparent data collection because our “pen and paper” system was slow and laborious. By distributing basic smartphones and introducing an app customized for data collection, caseworkers can enter and store data, receipts, and photos in the cloud, making them accessible in real-time, from anywhere. With this new system, we will regularly be able to collect data such as:
Has the student been sick?
Did they eat before coming to school?
Was a student absent from school this week and if so, why?
What was the cost of medical treatment?
Having a clear picture of how our students are doing and the challenges they face will help shape our programs in the future.

We had a day-long team meeting in which we discussed challenges and opportunities for improving our programs - including making site visits and support more effective. We also distributed basic smartphones and held a hands-on training session of the new app. It’s early days - but the launch was successful and we look forward to the benefits of real-time data. They are equipped and ready to roll!

Case workers Goldy and Janet are now able to immediately report on how their students are doing after each weekly site visit. Their regular advocacy and support has been critical to the success of students who might otherwise become a tragic statistic.

We have raised $15,000, with $35,000 to go before school begins in a few weeks. Your partnership is what makes sponsorship of students possible. The Keyara’s Gift team is ready, able, and equipped to “Wash their own front” - will you continue to partner with us so we can “Wash their back”? Together we can all do our part!
Today’s Liberian phrase underscores the literal compound math of rainfall but implies the figurative reality that little things, good or bad, eventually impact the final outcome:
Lesson #4: “Little rains each day will make the river fill to its bank” aka “It all adds up”
It’s not surprising that this phrase is part of Liberian English because Liberians know about rain! The capital of Monrovia has the moniker of “wettest capital city of the world”, earned because its annual average rainfall exceeds 196 inches! In July alone, it averages 39 inches! (For reference, in non-drought years, California’s average annual rainfall is 23.58 inches but only 11.87 inches in 2021! A recent and tragic point of reference is Hurricane Ian, which dropped more than 15 inches, in only 12 hours, on Placida, FL, located just north of its landfall.)

We experienced the monsoon rains during our recent trip. Umbrellas aren’t very effective against the torrential downpour so finding shelter, or just getting drenched, seem to be the only options.
Of course rain is life-giving, but during the Monsoon season from May to November, it also can wreak havoc in Liberia - tainting drinking water, flooding homes with polluted water, making roads impassable and travel dangerous. In the case of our students, it can disrupt their education, affect their home life and lead to an increase in mosquito borne illnesses such as malaria and typhoid.
It all adds up!
We’d like to introduce you to four of our students, who are living out this expression - doing their best to learn and study to beat sobering statistics (only 54% children complete primary school), even with challenging situations.
Hawa - 16 Years Old - 10th Grade
Favorite subject: Economics
Most challenging subject: Math and chemistry
What do you most enjoy about attending school?
Fun, teaching, and being with my friends.
One thing you like about your favorite teacher?
He knows how to talk to students and he teaches well.
How do you get to school during the dry/wet seasons?
Walking to campus during the dry season is fine but for the rainy season, it can be very difficult because I don’t have any rain gear.
What would you like to do when you graduate from school?
I want to become a nurse.
What is one thing you learned in school that you found interesting?
I have an interest in economics.

Jebbeh - 16 Years Old - 9th Grade
Favorite subject: Science
Most challenging subject: Math
What do you most enjoy about attending school?
The love, attention, acceptance of all kids, teaching and having fun
One thing you like about your favorite teacher?
His teaching experience, kind words to us, impacting knowledge, and his work to help us succeed academically, Even when it takes extra time he will alter the lesson, offer one-on-one time teaching or, stay extra hours to make sure we understand the lesson.
How do you get to school during the dry/wet seasons?
During the dry season, I walk in the morning when the sun is not up and walk in the sun after school to get home. Sometimes I walk in the rain and stop along the road for shelter until the rain stops.
What would you like to do when you graduate from school?
I would like to have a vocational skill, like plumbing or doing general construction.
What is one thing you learned in school that you found interesting?
Our morning assembly gives me a good start to the day and I love learning about computers.
Emmar - 17 Years Old - 10th Grade
Favorite subject: English
Most challenging subject: Math
What do you most enjoy about attending school?
I enjoy being with my peers and having fun together.
One thing you like about your favorite teacher?
He has fun with us and gives good presentations.
How do you get to school during the dry/wet seasons?
I walk to school, but during the rainy season, it is difficult without an umbrella or raincoat.
What would you like to do when you graduate from school?
I want to become a fashion designer.
What is one thing you learned in school that you found interesting?
Interior design

Pauline - 17 Years Old - 11th Grade
Favorite subject: Biology
Most challenging subject: Physics
What do you most enjoy about attending school?
I enjoy singing during devotion time and also playing with the kids on campus.
One thing you like about your favorite teacher?
I like his style of teaching and how he encourages me to participate in class.
How do you get to school during the dry/wet seasons?
During the dry season it's very easy making my way to school because even though it’s costly, I can easily get a bike or taxi. During the rainy season, I'm not even able to get on the road to get a bike or taxi because I lack an umbrella or raincoat.
What would you like to do when you graduate from school?
I want to be an Accountant
What is one thing you learned in school that you found interesting?
By keeping their eyes on larger goals, working hard, benefiting from invested teachers, and the oversight and encouragement of case workers - their efforts will eventually “add up” - and make fighting through the monsoon rain worth the effort.
Will you help these young women, and the other 107 students we hope to sponsor this academic year, get to school?
We currently have funding for 33 students and hope to find funds for 78 more. To sponsor a student for the full year costs $450, including school fees, school supplies, uniform, backpack and shoes.
Thank you for your continued interest and support!
Today, rather than share a Liberian phrase we’d like to construct a fictitious, but realistic, conversation that might be heard on the streets of Monrovia:
“How ya keeping?”
(How are you doing?)
“I trying-o, but I need money quick-quick for school business for my niece.
(I’m getting along, but I need money quickly to pay for my niece’s school fees.)
“Be so? For true’?”
(Is that so?)
"Her ma running behind me to give her some money. She got belly and can’t sell butter pear at market.”
(My sister, her mom, is pregnant and can’t sell avocados in the market.)
"Sounds plenty humbug. You got plenty fuss.”
(Sounds like a mess. You’ve got problems.)
"My head can be hurting until I find the money."
(It’s giving me a headache until I find the money.)

Liberian’s face daily hardships, with over 50% living in abject poverty (severely deprived of basic needs like food, clean water, shelter, sanitation and health care access) and 80% experiencing food insecurity.
“N’mind ya!” aka “Don’t worry!”
For at least 55 students, who would otherwise be unable to pursue an education without sponsorship, we can say, “N’mind ya!” (Don’t worry!) because their fees have already been covered by your support.
Through the generous offer of two donors - who collectively are offering matching donations up to $10,000 total, we can close the gap and say, “N’mind ya!” to the remaining 56 students who still need to be sponsored.

As you can see from the smiles on their faces, these precious students are full of hope and enthusiasm as they anticipate another year of learning. Time and time again, while visiting with individuals and families, we heard the message,
“Please tell people on that side how grateful we are for an opportunity to learn!”
Annual student costs are $450 and covers school fees, school supplies, uniforms, backpack and shoes. Will you be able to help us, “quick-quick”, so that school fees can be paid by the end of the month? Any donation, made before the end of October, will be doubled by this matching grant.
Thank you for your continued interest and support!